Projekt Feld-Reise.                                   

	Herr Kästner, Herr Meyer,
	Wiesentalstrasse 10
	1079115 Freiburg

Dear Sirs,

Forgive me to adress you in English, I do understand quite a bit of German, but correspondence would get a bit difficult though.

I am writing to you due to a project of ProjektGruppe Feld- Reise, who invited me to do a project concerning the ex-Military base of Krampnitz near Potsdam. About 15 international artists are included in this project to create some kind of work, directly relating to Krampnitz, and presenting the result in Galerie Staudenhof in Potsdam, later this year.

For my project I would like to find some information through your archives, if that is possible. I am investigating about the number and kind of eventual offenses that have been committed, and people that ended up in the base's prison. In the same manner, serious injuries, and people that ended up in the base's hospital. Also I'd like to find more general information about these two aspects of Krampnitz.

Could you please let me know if any relational information to these topics would be available in your archive, and what the recommendations should be to visit and work at the archive? I am returning to Krampnitz myself early august, and would like to start my archive-work around september. The presentation in Galerie Staudenhof would be by the end of the year.

For more information and or credits, you can contact ProjektGruppe Feld-Reise, c/o Kumlehn, PF 600915 Potsdam, tel 0331- 291006, fax 0331-2800013.

Thank you for your time, I hope to hear from you soon


Danny DEVOS, Oud Strijdersstraat 35, 2140 BGHT-Antwerpen,
Belgium, tel/fax 32-3-2368259.