Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 21:23:03 --100
typisch thomas kumlehn
Date: Sat, 22 Oct 1994 18:57:29 --100
Subject: Comments on Feld Reise
Comment on Evgenij Jufit:Jufit= Hallo from Shulgin
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 14:36:46 --100
Subject: Comments on Surprise
dat is nich allet doitsch!
Date: Sat, 29 Oct 1994 14:35:26 --100
is dat etwa deutsch????????????????????
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 15:22:02 --100
Comment on Roman Signer:
Ist das eine Kantine?
From terz!www Mon Aug 29 17:59:16 1994
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 17:58:21 --100
Comment on "Das letzte Mal":
Antiquiert und, vor allem, ueberheblich.
Dear Danny, I'm interested to learn how your project goes in Krampnitz, could you keep[ me informed if you find any of the former soldiers? I am keen to do an article for an Irish newspaper on the whole Krampnitz project but I need to know more. It would also be interesting to know of any fictive projects. Apart from documentation, it would also be an idea to create stories about invented characters and their lives in this giant ghost machine. Aside from political metaphors, space holds stories that are as palpable as dust in sunlight and should be told, whether they are actual or fictive. Are any stortellers involved with the Krebnitz programme?
My address from 30 september is Room 8, 21 st John st., Oxford, Oxon, England. I will send you fax details and an Email address when I know them. Good luck with your project, it sounds fascinating.
Yours, Selina Guinness.