Thomas Kumlehn and Karl C. Wedemeyer initiated the project FeldReise in 1994.
From 15th of july to 10th of september, they will
- in co-operation with 18 other artists - realize concepts,
which will refer to the different perception of the former Krampnitz barracks.
The conditions, accepted by all the participants, were part of the invitation:
- Each artistic work is temporary.
- The direct public perception is denied.
- All pieces of work will be documentated by video and fotography
from the very beginning.
- All the documentated material will be edited until the end of march
1995 with non-documentarian intention. (We are still looking for an
interested TV-station.)
From 5th of october to 10th of november 1994, there will be an exhibit in the
Staudenhof gallery in Potsdam, where all participants will show
their work: each for three days.
List of participating artists resp. artist groups:
Roman Signer St. Gallen - Switzerland
ASA European Köln - Germany
H.G.G.N. Köln - Germany; Hungary
Ro. Ka. Wi. Köln - Germany; Hungary
Jefgenij Jufit St. Petersburg - Russia
Alexander Mouton Chicago - USA
Monika Günther Essen - Germany
Stefan Schneider Köln - Germany
Verena Kraft München - Germany
Kurt Petz München - Germany
Danny Devos Antwerpen - Belgium
Jacques van Poppel Amsterdam - Netherlands
Yana Milev Berlin - Germany
Jörg Rothamel Asbach - Germany
Handshake Berlin - Germany
Thomas Kumlehn Potsdam- Germany
Karl C. Wedemeyer Potsdam- Germany
Comments and Reactions to Feldreise.