Die deutsche Text-Version gibt es hier.
The work must be innovative and should help to advance the audiovisual idiom. Each VideoFest also displays a selection of video sculptures.
A few numbers:
The festival lasts for eight days and offers thirteen hours of programming daily (February 10-20, 1994).
For 1994 we have received more than 1300 videos from 42 countries - yielding a final selection of 272 from 26 countries.
In 1993 more than 6000 viewers and 452 accredited experts from 29 countries attended VideoFest. This year the figures will be even higher. Prizes valued at slightly less than 40,000 DM ($ 25,000) will be awarded. The Berlin-based television network IA will devote an hour of coverage to the festival each day.
VideoFest features a wide variety of programs and special events: performances, exhibitions, meetings, conferences, and more.
Despite the very personal atmosphere of the festival, it has also become an important international meeting place for professionals who set the standards of videocultural discourse. It has also established many new links between video and television.
As always, evenings will be dominated by the Main Program (20:30) and Nightflight (22:30). The FOCUS series, concentrating on specific topics, countries, and people, starts daily at 12 noon. This time FOCUS takes aim at the history of German video as well as showing new videos from Spain, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. It's followed at 18:00 by the SPOT series, where twelve experts from six countries will discuss the changing relationship between video and TV.
1. When most people hear the phrase "electronic culture," they usually think of television. Is television culture?
2. What are possible forms that television art could take?
3. Another variant: "television by artists." What would it look like?
4. What do you associate with the phrase "video culture"?
5. What would you like to know about video?
6. Are you interested in discussing other forms of electronic culture - multimedia, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, etc.? This is a good place to start.
And many people ANSWERED.
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