LUX LOGIS was founded in spring 1991 as an union of about 20 artists in Berlin in order to progagate a nonchalant cultural use of technology and new media. The individual artists are influenced by different areas like fine arts, film, video art, design, philosophie, communication science, information science, computer science, physics and robotics. Lux Logis, as a node for electronic arts in Berlin, is interested in cooperation and exchange with institutions, autonomous groups and artists in the world and realizes interactive PROJECTS within the Internet.
LUX LOGIS came into existance in Spring 1991 as a loose cooperation of about 20 artists, all with the mutual goal of working in the field of media arts in Berlin. Since October 1992 LUX LOGIS is a registered association, which will be registered as a non-profit organisation. The central idea of the association is to create an open forum for cultural and practical discussion of technology and new media. The aesthetical evaluation of key technologies of the mass media, the media industry, the military complex, the economy and science is placed in the foreground. The results of this work are being presented to the public in the form of festivals ( e.g. the ELECTRONIC ARTS SYNDROM 1991 and 1992) as well as exhibitions or events on a minor scale. The composition of the participants is heterogeneous and defines itself not only via artistic disciplines: Electronic media render possible an integration of different areas and promote an interdisciplinary communication between personalities, personal views and specialized fields such as fine arts, photography, video art, graphic design, electronics, informatics, telecommunication, robotics, philosophy or communication sciences, etc. Accordingly, media are applied in very different ways by the artists and project groups of LUX LOGIS.Activities
- Presentation and production of TV programs - Communication experiments with / in computer networks like INTERNET: e.g. HANDSHAKE- interactive communicationsproject, informational networking of artists and institutions, or WELCOME HOME at the Internationale Funkausstellung Berlin (IFA) in cooperation with the public TV station Offener Kanal Berlin (OKB-TV) - Exchange with other festivals e.g. Videofestival Edinburgh (Scotland) - Organisation of symposia - Organisation of workshops - Group participation at Freie Berliner Kunstausstellung (FBK - Berlin) - Cooperation with PIAZETTA VIRTUALE Berlin for VAN GOGH TV - Participation at other festivals, e.g. VideoFest Berlin, MEDIALE Hamburg, ARS ELECTRONICA Linz, etc. - Further organisation of the ELECTRONIC ARTS SYNDROM as public documentation of the activities of LUX LOGIS and other media artists, groups and institutions. LUX LOGIS, as junction of media arts in Berlin, strives for a (not only electronic but also informational) networking, with institutions, groups and persons that are active in the fields of media- and art- science, on a national and international scale.ELECTRONIC ARTS SYNDROM
EAS - Festival of computer aided arts To date, the festival series EAS has been realized twice by LUX LOGIS. It represents one of the main activities of the work accomplished by LUX LOGIS up to now. The computer arts festival ELECTRONIC ARTS SYNDROM took place for the first time in September 1991 at the WMF-Haus in Berlin-Mitte. The concern of the three-day festival was to present the local spectrum of electronic arts in Berlin. 30 artists participated. App. 2500 visitors. The 2nd EAS was organised in November 1992 at the Exhibition Center at Alexanderplatz. It tried to give an overview of current activities in the field of electronic media, not only in Berlin, but also beyond it. 50 artists / groups presented their works. The focal point was placed on installations and objects, that could be influenced by the presence of the visitor. Furthermore a computer animation program was presented in exchange with the Videofestival Edinburgh. Over 3000 persons visited the festival. Video documentation and catalogues are available.